Axonometric and Isometric Projection (3-D)

Axonometric and isometric projections are parallel projections. Here, parallel straight lines are also depicted as such and distorted in the same proportion.

Axonometric projection

Views > Projections > Standard AXO > Axonometric

HiCAD makes eight predefined axonometric projections available for selection.

Axonometry 1 provides an unshortened representation of the y- and z-axis and a shortened representation of the x-axis. The x-axis is positioned at an angle of approx. 41°, the y-axis at an angle of approx. 7° to the horizontal of the screen plane. The z-axis stands perpendicular to it. Engineering axonometries 2 to 8 result from corresponding rotation of the axes.

The figure below provides an example of axonometries 1 and 2.

You can also activate the axonometry 2 via Views > Projections or via the transparent toolbar.

Isometric projection

Views > Projections > Standard AXO > Isometric

You use this function to select one of the 8 predefined isometric projections. Here, one of the axes, e.g. the z-axis, is perpendicular to the horizontal of the screen plane, while the two other axes each lie at a 30° angle to the horizontal. Isometries are characterized by preservation of length, i.e. the length ratios of the edges are preserved.

Projektion Methods (3-D)View Functions (3-D)Central Projection (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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