Revolved Solids (3-D)

3-D Standard > New > Revolved

Revolved solids are created from sketches by cloning and rotating them about an axis lying in the screen plane.

On activating this function, the New revolved solid dialogue window is displayed.

Recommended procedure:

  1. Enter the Article number.
  2. Activate the Referenced checkbox if you want the revolved solid to be referenced.
  3. Activate the Feature checkbox if you want a corresponding feature of this revolved solid to be included in the feature log.
  4. Activate the BOM-relevant checkbox in order to automatically assign this attribute to the created revolved part.
  5. Choose theType. Revolved solids can be created as entire bodies or segments.
  6. Enter the Start angle and End angle for segments.
  7. Under Sketch for cross-section, choose the type of cross-section definition. You can create a new sketch or use a sketch that already exists in the drawing.
  8. Specify the Rotation axis.
  9. If you first want to check what the created part looks like, click the Preview button, followed by Apply if you want the part to be created as displayed. If you want the part to be created directly – without a preview –, click Create.

The revolved part will be inserted as main part into the drawing.

Revolved solid - as segment and and complete body, (1) Sketch, (2) Rotation axis


Please also read the notes on the purposes and representation of sketches.


Please note:

Dialogue Window for Revolved SolidsNew SketchPart Creation Functions (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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