Create New Processing Plane (3-D)

Processing plane

Use this function to create a new processing plane. Please note that the definition of a processing plane always entails the definition of a local coordinate system!

After calling the function, HiCAD prompts you to specify a plane, a surface, an edge or a point. You can then use, in an arbitrary order, points, edges, surfaces and also already existing processing planes, for the definition of a processing plane in your drawing, or right-click to open a context menu with further functions for processing plane creation.

As soon as a suitable input position has been created ( the X-direction has been specified, or a plane has been selected) a dynamic preview consisting of a coordinate system and a plane frame, will be displayed. This allows you to see what would happen after the next mouse click.

Dynamic preview


Identification type


The first point is the local zero point. The edge determines the direction of the X-axis (positive/negative). The processing plane runs parallel to the selected plane and through the selected point.

If you select a plane as surface, circles and ellipse are handled in a special way:

  • If the edge in the vicinity of the cursor is no circle/ellipse, you will be finished after one mouse click.
  • If the edge is a circle or an ellipse, only the origin of the new processing plane (as the centre point of the circle/ellipse) and the Z-direction (as the plane normal) will be determined. You then still have to select another point or edge to determine the X-direction.


After the first selection of a point, an edge, a surface or a plane, you can right-click to open a context menu with further options:

Perpendicular to line/direction

This function is only available if the X-direction has not been defined yet. If, for example, you have selected one point as the local zero point, and one edge for the X-direction, this function will not be available in the context menu.

If the X-direction has not been defined yet, you can use this function to place the processing plane perpendicular to a line/direction. HiCAD will prompt you to specify the Z-direction by selecting a line or two points.

(1) Specification of local zero point, (2) Right-click and select "Perpendicular to line/direction" function, (3) Select line, (4) Preview examples


The direction of the X- or Y-axis, respectively, is determined by the origin of the active coordinate system.

Step back

If you want to correct your input, select this function (multiple times if required).

Cancel (ESC)

Cancels the function.


Please note:


Processing Planes (3-D)Move/Rotate Processing Plane (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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