Hide/Show Parts (3-D)

Views > Parts

This function is used to hide/show parts of the active view. Shown parts of a view represent what is known as a "part list", sometimes also called "list view".

Hide parts in active view, Individual

Hides the identified parts in the active view.

Clicking opens a menu with further functions:

Copy view list, from another view

Copies the part list of a different view, i.e. only the parts that are also visible in the identified view are shown in the active view.

Hide view list, from another view

Hides the parts which belong to the part list of a different view. In the active view, the parts which are visible in the identified view are hidden.

Show view list from another view

Shows all parts which belong to the part list of a different view. In the active view, the parts which are visible in the identified view are shown again.

Invert view list

Inverts the display, i.e. visible parts are hidden and invisible parts are shown.

Hide all hidden parts in view

Hides overlapped parts if Hidden Line representation is active. These parts are skipped during further edits of the view. This can speed up processing significantly, especially in large drawings.

Hide all parts in active view and show individually

Sets all parts to "Hide" and only displays the subsequently identified parts.

Show parts in active view, Individual

Shows individual parts. Identify the parts in the ICN.

Show all parts in active view

Shows all hidden parts in the active view.


You can also use the corresponding functions in the context menu for 3-D parts to hide or show parts and part lists.

Views (3-D)Visualisation and Representation (3-D)List Views (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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