Lighting of Models (3-D)

HiCAD provides the following options for illuminating the drawing:

You use the functions of the Lighting (3-D) toolbar to set light sources that are taken into account by the HiCAD Reality Studio and during VRML export The quality of the image that is created crucially depends on the lighting conditions set in the drawing. The rules of photography apply to setting the light sources.

Basic rule: Too little light does not illuminate the objects enough, too much takes away their plasticity.

HiCAD recognizes the following light sources:

Self-illuminating light sources can be varied in respect of light intensity, range and colour. Specifying a range takes into account the effect whereby, in nature, the brightness of a body decreases by the square of the distance between observer and body. At range distance from the observer, the lamp has intensity 1, changing reciprocally quadratically.

Please bear the following notes in mind before executing the function:

Lighting Functions (3-D)Graphic Window

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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