Dialogue Window for Revolved Solids (3-D)

3-D Standard > New > Revolved

TypeSketch for Cross-SectionRotation Axis Further OptionsButtons


You create a rotation segment. You determine the size of the rotation segment either by explicitly specifying the start and end angles or - if the Dynamic checkbox is active - by using the cursor after defining the sketch and the rotation axis.

A full rotation is performed.

You use the cursor to determine the size of the rotation segment after defining the sketch and the rotation axis. The fields for the start and end angles are inactive in this case.

Cross-section definition and Rotation axis

Activate this icon if you want to create a new sketch for the cross-section. Use the Sketch functions to construct the sketch. The Revolved solids window remains active during sketch construction.

Activate this icon to apply a sketch in the drawing as a cross-section. Identify the sketch.

The sketch used is normally assigned as a sub-part to the corresponding revolved solids. If you do not want to keep the sketch, activate the Delete sketch after creation checkbox.

Activate this icon to identify the rotation axis.

Further options

If you want the revolved solids to be referenced, activate this option.

Activate this checkbox if you want a feature of the generated revolved solid to be created. The part's entire creation process - including the sketch used - is then recorded in a feature log and can be subsequently changed.


Activate this checkbox if you automatically want to assign this attribute to the created revolved part.


Enter the name of the part to be inserted in the drawing.


A preview of the revolved solid is initially displayed. You can then correct the entered values or insert the part – as displayed – into the drawing by clicking Apply.

The part is immediately created.


Revolved Solids (3-D)New Sketch (3-D)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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