Edit Part Structure (3-D)

Right-click part > Part/assembly structure

You use the Part structure functions to edit main part and sub-part structures. The following functions are available:

Move part, Subordinate to active part

Right-click part > Part/assembly structure > Subordinate to active part

This function assigns to the active part an arbitrary part of the drawing as a sub-part. Identify the part that you want to assign as a sub-part to the active part. 

Before: Assembly 1 is active

Right-click Assembly 1, select function,
then select Part4 as part to be subordinated

Assembly 1 after execution of function

Move part, Convert into main part

Right-click part > Part/assembly structure > Convert into main part

This function converts the active part to a main part, removing it from the previously superordinate main part. If the part belonged to a main assembly, it will be located on the same level as the main assembly afterwards.

Assembly 1 is active

After execution of the function,
Assembly 1 becomes a main part on the
same level as the main assembly

Delete, Break up sub-part levels

Right-click part > Part/assembly structure > Break up sub-part levels

Simplify > Break up sub-part levels

The part structure of the selected part/assembly will be broken up.

If all parts are of the same type, e.g. only solids, the parts will be unioned via Boolean operation. The part name will be the name of the selected part.

Assembly1 is active and contains only solids

After execution of the function,
Assembly 1 is a solid, and all parts of
the assembly were unioned via Boolean operation


If the part / assembly contains different sub-part types, e.g. solids, parts with free surfaces, parts with free edges etc., all sub-parts of the same type will be unioned into one part via Boolean operation. The name of this sub-part will be the name of the selected part, followed by an automatically assigned number.

Assembly 2 is active and contains different part

After execution of the function,
Assembly 2 is a dummy part and contains the parts of
the same type, unioned via Boolean operation


This function can also be found on the Simplify tab. If the function is called from there, multiple selections of parts/assemblies are possible.

(1) Original structure, (2) Multiple selection, (3) Structure after breaking up of sub-part levels


Please note:


The image on the left shows a referenced assembly with a sub-part, and the image on the right shows the assembly after execution of the Break up sub-part levels function.


Delete, Active part without sub-parts

Right-click part > Part/assembly structure > Active part without sub-parts

Here, the active part will be deleted, but its sub-parts will be preserved and will be set one level higher in the structure.

Before: Assembly1 is active

After: Assembly1 is deleted, and the sub-parts of the
assembly are set one level higher in the structure

Delete, All sub-parts

Right-click part > Part/assembly structure > All sub-parts

All sub-parts to the active part will be deleted.



Create Parts and Assemblies (3-D)Drawing ObjectsModel and Process Parts (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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