Convert 2-D Part into Sketch (Sketch)

Sketch > New > Convert 2-D part into sketch

Use this function to copy 2-D graphical elements into the active sketch.

Proceed as follows:

Identify the 2-D part. The part will be projected onto the active processing plane and entered into the 3-D part structure as a sketch with the name of the 2-D part. If no processing plane is active, the XY-plane of the active coordinate system will be used.

(1) 2-D part, (2) Active processing plane, (3) Created sketch


General 2-D splines that are, e.g., created during 2-D DXF import will also be considered and converted correctly.


Sketch Functions (3-D)Working with Sketches (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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