Lock Referenced Parts Against Processing (3-D)

Right-click part > Referencing > Lock against processing...

Via the Referencing functions of the context menu you can lock referenced parts in a drawing against accidental processing, and to remove the locking again.

The locking against processing applies only to the currently active drawing. If you save an unlocked part and insert it into a different drawing, you will be able to process it there. The locking also applies to all parts in the drawing that are identical to the locked part (otherwise, changes to the identical parts would also change the part you wanted to lock).

However, if you save the drawing and open it again (even from somewhere else) the locking will remain active. It this way you can prevent accidental changes when forwarding the drawing to a third party.

Locked parts are identified by an in the ICN.

When you try to change a locked part, the following message will be displayed:

The changing will be prevented or revoked.

A part that has already been processed, but has not been saved yet (identified by an ) cannot be locked. An appropriate message will be issued in such cases( Part(s) modified. Action not possible.).


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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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