Edit Dimension Figure (3-D)

3-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Edit... > Dimension figure...

The following functions are available for the arrangement and positioning of dimension figures:

Move dimension figure, free

Moves the dimension figure freely, i.e. independent of the dimension line.

Move dimension figure, parallel to dimension line

Moves the dimension figure parallel to the dimension line.

Create leader line for dimension figure

Inserts a leader line for the dimension figure.

Identify the dimension figure. HiCAD places the start point of the leader line automatically. Next, specify the subsequent points and click the right mouse button to insert the leader line as displayed.

Delete leader line of dimension figure

Deletes the leader line of a dimension figure.

Visibility for dimension figure ON

Use this function to hide and re-display dimension figures. Identify the required dimension. The Visualisation dimension figure/line dialogue window is displayed.

  • Show dimension figure in view

Activate or deactivate the checkbox to determine whether you want the dimension figure to be hidden or shown in the active view.

  • Interrupt dimension line below dimension figure

Activate or deactivate the checkbox to determine whether you want to interrupt the dimension line for dimension figures in the active view.

Prevent dimension figure collision

This function enables you to prevent dimension figures by rearranging them accordingly.

Identify the relevant dimension figures.

Apply text

Use this function to copy auxiliary dimension annotations to other dimensions - including all parameters (font, size, position etc.). Proceed as follows:

  • First identify the reference dimension, i.e. the dimension the auxiliary texts of which you want to copy.
  • Then identify, one after the other, the dimensions to which you want to apply the copied auxiliary texts.

Press the middle mouse button to end the function.

If you apply the function to dimensions that already contain auxiliary texts, these texts will not be deleted or overwritten, but the copied texts will be placed in front of or will be attached to the existing texts.


Alternatively, you can access these functions via the context menu for dimension figures. To activate the context menu, right-click a dimension figure.

Dimensioning (3-D)Edit Dimensions (3-D)The Dimension Text Editor (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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