Move/Rotate Processing Plane (3-D)

Processing plane > Process



Moves the active processing plane. Identify a point of the processing plane and its new position.

Rotate about edge

Rotates the active processing plane about any one axis.

Rotate, via 2 points

Rotates the processing plane about any axis defined by 2 points.

Rotate about x-axis

Rotates the active processing plane about the x-axis of the current coordinate system.

Rotate about y-axis

Rotates the active processing plane about the y-axis of the current coordinate system.

Rotate about z-axis

Rotates the active processing plane about the z-axis of the current coordinate system.

New frame

Reduces/enlarges the frame of the current processing plane. Specify the bottom left and top right corner of the new frame.

You can also use Drag & Drop to move 3-D processing planes. Press and hold down the left mouse button while you drag the plane to the required position. In the process you can also use snap points found by the Autopilot.

Processing Planes (3-D)Create New Processing Plane (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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