Example - Subtract, with Translation + Depth (3-D)

3-D Standard > Process with sketch > SubtTra > Subtract, with translation + depth

Subtract · Subtract with Different Position·Subtract up to a Surface · Bore up to surface with/without offset, with displacement

Example: Subtract

(1), (2) Cuboid with sketch, (3) Subtraction, (4) Subtraction with draught

Example: Subtraction with different position

(1), (2) Cuboid with sketch, (3) Subtraction

Example: Subtraction up to a certain surface

(1) Original part, (2) Sketch, (3) Subtraction up to the next surface, (4) Subtraction up to the identified surface

Example: Bore up to surface with/without offset, with displacement

Right: (1) Original part with selected surface; (2) Sketch
Left: Axonometry and front view: (3) without offset, (4) with offset, (5) with displacement

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Date: 30/10/2018

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