Fillet - List of Objects (3-D)

3-D Standard > Process > Fillet

You use the cursor in the drawing to identify the edges/surfaces to be filleted. The last selected object is highlighted in blue in the drawing (default), all other objects being highlighted in green. All selected objects are entered in the list of objects to be filleted contained in the Fillet window.

Each object entry in the Fillet window has several lines. The entries have a tree structure as in Windows Explorer. The number of lines depends on the currently selected Fillet parameters, which are assigned as sub-entries to the corresponding object in the list.

Object type


Surface (only for constant filleting)

Fillet parameters

The lines subordinate to the object type contain the fillet parameters selected for the object in question.

Individual or Tangential

The Continue with tangential edge checkbox is evaluated here. If you have activated the checkbox before selecting the object , Tangential appears in the Fillet list; if not, Individual appears.

The entries below only apply to variable filleting.

Linear or Tangential

This displays whether the fillet is performed linearly or with tangential border connection.

Start point

Fillet radius at the start point of an edge

End point

Fillet radius at the end point of an edge

Intermediate point

For each further intermediate point, a line with the point symbol and the fillet radius selected for this point is displayed. The points are automatically numbered consecutively. The section on Variable Filleting shows you how to insert intermediate points for variable filleting.


Example settings


You should also bear the following in mind with variable filleting:

If the cursor is positioned in the object list on a variable fillet entry, one of the following symbols is displayed in the bottom left of the Fillet list:

Insert intermediate points mode is active

Edge selection mode is active

You require these symbols for variable filleting in order to switch between selecting more edges and inserting intermediate points.

Change entries in the object list

Entries in blue font can be changed directly in the object list. The following changes are possible:

Delete entries

You delete entries from the object list by right-clicking the relevant line and then choosing Delete. Entries for intermediate points in variable filleting or complete object entries can be deleted. You can also use the standard Windows multiple selection.

You can also use the DEL button on your keyboard to delete entries.

Fillet Options (3-D)The 'Fillet' Dialogue Window (3-D)Fillet: Select Objects (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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