Offset (Sketch)

Sketch > Derive > Offset

Use these functions to insert offsets, i.e. parallel line elements, into the active sketch or 3-D sketch.

To create the offset successfully, you need to identify at least one line/edge after selecting the function.

After selecting the function, identify the required line/edge, or use the functions of the context menu for the line/edge selection. You activate the context menu with a right-click in the process of edge identification.

  • Move the cursor to the position of the first corner point of the rectangle.
  • Hold down the CTRL key and the left mouse button.
  • Release the CTRL key and draw, while still holding down the left mouse button, the rectangle.
  • When you then release the left mouse button, all lines/edges within the rectangle will be selected.


Example 1: Various offsets of a polyline


Example 2: Offset of a facet boundary cycle + bore with active sketch plane


All selected edges will be highlighted in a different colour. If the creation of an offset is possible, HiCAD will display a preview of the offset. The preview is dynamically attached on the cursor and can be applied by specification of a point. After point specification, HiCAD shows you the actual distance of the offset. You can then either apply the distance or correct the value. The value can also contain variables.

After creating the offset, the function remains active, allowing the creation of further offsets of edges using the previously specified distance value. You can also select edges of previously created offsets. The side on which the cursor is located determines the side on which the offset will be created. The offset creation takes place without any further queries.

If you click the icon, a pull-down menu with the Double-sided offset with end caps function opens. This function enables you to create offsets to both sides of a selected graphical element. You can also specify in the process how the corners and the ends of the resulting composite edges are to be handled.


Please note:

For unknown sketches you should therefore use the Sort GE function.

The automatic assigning of HCM constraints can be switched on or off by selecting Sketch > HCM > Tools > Settings and activating or deactivating the relevant checkboxes.

Sketch Functions (3-D)Sketch Technology (3-D)Polylines (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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