Sketch > Draw > Line > Tangent
Besides polylines, you can also insert edges into the active sketch, which lie tangentially to other edges.
Tangent to 2 edges Creates an edge lying tangential to 2 edges in the drawing. |
Tangent Point - Edge Creates a tangent from an arbitrary point to an edge.
If required, the tangent is laid to the "imaginary" extension of the circular arc. |
Tangent, Angle-Circle-Length Creates a tangent to an existing circle, with specification of direction.
Tangent to edge point Creates a tangent to an existing curve.
Tangent to surface Creates a tangent to a surface.
If there are several possible solutions, HiCAD offers them for selection. Select Yes to apply the suggested solution, select No to move to the next solution.
Sketch Functions (3-D) • Sketch Functions (3-D) • Polylines (3-D)
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