Tangent (Sketch)

Sketch > Draw > Line > Tangent

Besides polylines, you can also insert edges into the active sketch, which lie tangentially to other edges.

Tangent to 2 edges

Creates an edge lying tangential to 2 edges in the drawing.

Tangent Point - Edge

Creates a tangent from an arbitrary point to an edge.

  1. Specify the start point of the tangent.
  2. Identify a point on an arc. From the projection of the starting point onto the circle plane, a tangent is laid to the arc.

If required, the tangent is laid to the "imaginary" extension of the circular arc.

Tangent, Angle-Circle-Length

Creates a tangent to an existing circle, with specification of direction.

  1. Enter the direction angle (1).
  2. Identify the circle or the circular arc (2).
  3. Specify an additional point (3) for the angle of the null direction or select the starting point of the circle with END (RMB).This point is projected onto the circle. Its tangent direction represents the 0 degrees axis for the entered direction angle.
  4. Specify the length (4) of the tangent. This length is marked off on both sides from the tangent point.

Tangent to edge point

Creates a tangent to an existing curve.

  1. Identify the curve.
  2. Specify a point on the curve, or select the start point via END (RMB).
  3. Specify the length of the tangent. This length is marked off on both sides from the tangent point.

Tangent to surface

Creates a tangent to a surface.

  1. Specify the start point of the tangent.
  2. Identify the surface. If there are several possible tangents, HiCAD asks you to specify an additional point. The starting point is used to define a circle on the surface:
  3. Cylinder, cone intersection with the plane through the identified point, with axis as normal vector.
  4. Sphere, torus intersection with the plane through the last point, additional point and midpoint.


If there are several possible solutions, HiCAD offers them for selection. Select Yes to apply the suggested solution, select No to move to the next solution.

Sketch Functions (3-D)Sketch Functions (3-D)Polylines (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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