Standard Parts and Standard Processings (3-D)

HiCAD provides several options for insertion and processing of standard parts:

All functions for insertion and processing of standard parts and boltings are available via the function groups Standard Parts and Standard Processings of the 3-D Standard tab.


Please note:

The components of a bolting are combined in an assembly by the name of BOLTING. The bolting settings determine whether this assembly is created as a main part or a sub-part.

When exchanging drawings with other users, please note the following:

If your drawing contains standard parts or standard processings from changed standard part catalogues, you will also need to supply the changed catalogue files during data exchange. These files are stored as IPT files in the HiCAD Catalogue subdirectory.
Standard parts and standard processings in your construction which do not exist on the recipient's standard part catalogue cannot be reconstructed there – e.g. in the case of a feature recalculation or a bolting update.

This note has no bearing on data exchange via interfaces.

Using the Catalogue System

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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