Process Bore Tables (3-D)

If you want to change a bore table, right-click the corresponding table. The context menu for bore tables is displayed.

Update table

 you have inserted further standard processings into a plane for which a tabular dimensioning exists or removed standard processings from a plane, you can use this function to immediately update the bore table.

Please note:

Set / Remove coordinate system

The bore table normally refers to the specified reference point and the world coordinate system. However, you can also create the bore table with reference to a local coordinate system. For this, a local coordinate system needs to be active when the function is called!

Proceed as follows:

You use the Remove coordinate system function to remove the reference to the local coordinate system again.

Export table (Table Editor)

You use this function to start the Table Editor. Here, you can

Changes to a table made with this function will be lost when tables are updated!!

Bore Table (3-D)Dimensioning Tools (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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