Shortening Parameters (3-D)

Views > Edit > Shorten > Shortening parameters


Gap width

This value determines the width (1) between the sections that are moved towards each other in the shortened view.


Break line types and possible parameters

Colour, Excess length, Layer and Line type can be set for this line type.


For zigzag lines you can set Colour, Excess length, Layer and the Zigzag height.

Activate the No zigzags on midpoint checkbox to arrange an uneven number of zigzags on the break line in such a way that there will be no zigzags on the midpoint of the break line. Instead, the zigzags will be moved appropriately on the break line.

The reason for this is that an unwanted coincidence of the cut off centre line and the mid-point of the break line often occurs. In such cases no zigzag should be located in this point.


The presettings for the shortening parameters in new drawings are defined in the Configuration Editor, at Drawing > Views > Shortened views.

View Functions (3-D)Views (3-D)

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Date: 30/10/2018

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