Cuboid/Sphere Detail View (3-D)

Views > New > Detail

You use the Detail view, Cuboid and Detail view, Sphere special functions to define detail views by defining a cuboid or a sphere.

It is not possible to provide specifications for identification and notation here!

(1) Original view, (2) Cuboid detail view, (3) Sphere detail view

Detail view, Cuboid

Views > New > Detail > Detail view, Cuboid

  1. Specify the midpoint (centroid) of the cuboid.
  2. Enter its dimensions in x-, y- and z-directions.
  3. Enter the hatching code, or choose Cancel if you do not want the hatching to be applied.
  4. Specify the position of the detail view on the screen.
  5. Specify the reference coordinate system and choose the projection method.

Detail view, Sphere

Views > New > Detail > Detail view, Sphere

  1. Define the sphere by specifying the midpoint and the radius.
  2. Define the position of the detail view.
  3. Define the reference coordinate system and choose the projection method.


Special Views (3-D)Sectional and Detail Views (3-D)Views (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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