New View, Without Link (3-D)

Views > New > Standard

You use this function to define a new view without links.

  1. Define the origin of the view - either with the Autopilot or via the Point options menu.
  2. Select the Reference Coordinate System. You use this to specify whether you want the definition of the view to refer to the world coordinate system or the part coordinate system.
  3. Select the desired projection method. There are six standard views to choose from. If you want to use the standard axonometry instead, then right-click to close the Projections menu.

3-D part in axonometric view (top image) and normal views: (1) Bottom view; (2) Side view, right; (3) Front view; (4) Side view, left; (5) From the back; (6) Top view


Create New View (3-D)View Functions (3-D)Views - Basics (3-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 3-D
Date: 30/10/2018

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