Reference Drawing (2-D)

Drawing >Others > Extras > Reference drawing  

A reference drawing is a drawing that is included as a pointer or reference in the current drawing. It is loaded via the Reference drawing pop-up and can also only be modified here.

The following functions are available:

Function Description
Load Loads the SZA file via the Windows Explorer.
Move Enter a displacement vector to move the reference drawing.
From reference drawing Once the reference drawing has been selected in Explorer, it appears grey in the current drawing. This function restores their original colours.
Inactive Deactivates the colours of the reference drawing.
Delete If the reference drawing is no longer needed, use this function to deleted it from the current drawing.
Info Displays the name of the reference drawing.

Create Part (2-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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