Shim washers could previously be found in the catalogue Fasteners > Retaining rings. As of HiCAD 2018 SP2 a separate catalogue exists for Shim rings.
Therefore, the 3-D function 2-D Part > Standard Parts > BoltScrew > Retaining rings has been renamed to 2-D Part > Standard Parts > BoltScrew
> Retaining rings / Shim rings
In the settings for annotations you have now the option to underline individual text blocks. This was previously only be possible for the entire annotation.
In older HiCAD versions (before HiCAD 2018 SP2) the underlining of text blocks is ignored. While the underlining is still visible and printable when loading the model drawing, the corresponding text blocks will be shown without frames after updating of the annotation.
For attribute values with decimal places you have now the option to determine the number of decimal places at the bottom right of the dialogue window. You can specify whether non-relevant decimal places (e.g. final zeroes) are also to be displayed by activating or deactivating the checkbox.
HiCAD now offers the nominal font sizes according to DIN EN ISO 3098-0 for the font size selection of texts, dimensions, annotations etc. in the Text Editor and Annotation Editor.
The Change language of text function and the program WBEdit.exe now also consider auxiliary texts in 2-D/3-D dimensions, as well as texts instead of dimension figures.
A new point option called Intersection point of tangents (ST) is now available in 2-D and 3-D.
Use this point option to determine the intersection point of two tangents. HiCAD will ask you to identify two graphical elements you require. The tangent will always be defined by the end point of the graphical element lying closer to the cursor position. The new point is the intersection of both tangents.
If the same graphical element is identified twice, for instance as arc, the intersection of tangents will be defined on both end points of the graphical element.
In previous versions the settings for texts and annotations could be set in the TXTPAR.DAT file. As of HiCAD 2018 this file is no longer available. Also, the corresponding setting options at Settings > Basic settings > 2-D have been removed.
Instead, these settings are now available in the Configuration Editor, namely, at
Use the Default parameters function (2-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit (Text) Settings
> ...) to load the settings from the Configuration Editor at Drawing > Annotations > Text > Font.
The values of the drop-down lists for font size, text width coefficient and line spacing in the Text Editor and Annotation Editor can be arbitrarily expanded in the Configuration Editor at System settings > Annotations > Text > Preferred text sizes. After restarting HiCAD the new default settings will be used.
The supplied TTFONT.DAT file previously contained the 3 fonts
Since the second TrueType Text Font MS Mincho is rarely used, it was replaced with the Arial Unicode MS font.
From Version 2300 onwards, you will find the following fonts in the TTFONT.DAT file:
Texts, text blocks and annotation tags will be shown in the selected language in the Text Editor or Annotation Editor, respectively, after their translation with the program WBEdit.exe.
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