Auxiliary Dimension Texts (2-D)

2-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Aux. texts

The Auxiliary dimension text menu can be found in the (left) Edit function group of the 2-D Dimensioning + Text tab and contains functions for the editing and processing of auxiliary dimension texts.

Function Description
Auxiliary dimension text Use this function to define and modify dimensioning texts.
Pull-down menu Auxiliary dimension texts
Text replaces dimension figure Like Auxiliary dimension text, but with the difference that the dimension figure will be hidden.


Use this function to set dimensioning symbols.

In the upper area of the mask you select whether you want to display one or two symbols. In the lower area you can activate the symbols.

Change height Changes the height of auxiliary texts.
Delete Deletes auxiliary texts and displays the dimension figure.


Auxiliary dimension texts

2-D Dimensioning + Text > Edit > Aux. texts

You can now identify a new dimension figure or right-click the pop-up containing the position symbols.

The dialogue window for auxiliary dimension texts

In the Auxiliary dimension texts dialogue window you have the following setting options:

The value determines the height of the auxiliary texts
Activates the input field for the auxiliary text
Horizontal distance of the auxiliary text from the dimension figure
Vertical distance of the auxiliary text from the dimension figure (only active if there is an auxiliary dimension text)
The dimension figure is displayed
Changes the sequence of auxiliary texts and dimension figure

Via the toolbar you can insert texts from the clipboard , already existing texts and special characters into the active auxiliary text. Select the icon to copy text to the clipboard. To apply texts from a listbox, select the required text and click the icon.

The Load text function enables you to load ASCII files or formatted text (*.RTF, RichText). Please remember that only the first line of the file will be taken over.

Use these buttons to temporarily change the background of the text input field. This may, for instance, be useful if it is difficult to see the selected font colour on the current background.

Use the Zoom functions to enlarge/downsize the text in the input window.

Modify Dimensioning (2-D)

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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