Arc Dimensioning (2-D)

2-D Dimensioning + Text  

In Arc dimensioning, the relevant arc length is specified, rather than the central angle of the circular arc.

You have the following identification options of the arc:

you will always find the functions Individual dimensions, Chain dimensions and Parallel dimensions

The projection lines lie parallel to the imaginary angle bisector of the circle sector. You begin at the arc end points. The dimension line is concentric to the arc.


(1) Arc
(2) Position of the dimension figure


Individual dimension, Arc P-P

Individual dimension, P-P-Centre

Chain dimension, Arc-P-P

Chain dimension, P-P-Centre

Parallel dimension, Arc-P-P

Parallel dimension, P-P-Centre

Angular Dimensioning (2-D)Dimensioning (2-D)

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Version 2302 - HiCAD 2-D
Date: 14/09/2018

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