Define Dimensional Constraints (HCM 2-D)

2-D Part > 2-D HCM Constraints > Distance

If you click below the Distance icon in the 2-D HCM Constraints function group, a pull-down menu with the following dimensional constraint functions is displayed:




  1. Identify the reference line.
  2. Specify the two points for the distance.
  3. Select the 3rd point to position the dimension line.
  4. Then enter the new distance as a value or as a formula. Once you have entered a formula, the system asks you for the values of the variables.

This function defines a distance constraint to specify the distance perpendicular to a reference line:

  1. Specify the reference line.
  2. Identify the two elements/points and define the position of the projection line.
  3. Then enter the new distance as a value or as a formula. Once you have entered a formula, the system asks you for the values of the variables.

This function enables you to define a distance constraint in which the projection of the distance is specified in x-direction.

  1. Identify the two elements/points and define the position of the projection line.
  2. Then enter the new distance as a value or as a formula.

Once you have entered a formula, the system asks you for the values of the variables. The HCM model is adjusted accordingly.

This function enables you to define a distance constraint in which the projection of the distance is specified in y-direction.

  1. Identify the two elements/points and define the position of the projection line.
  2. Then enter the new distance as a value or as a formula.

Once you have entered a formula, the system asks you for the values of the variables.

The HCM model is adjusted accordingly.

You use this function to define an angle constraint between two lines.

  1. Identify the two geometry elements. Then define the reference point for the quadrant of the angle.
  2. Then enter the new angle. If you have entered a formula, the system asks you for the values of the variables.

To mark the angle constraint, angular dimensions are entered between the two selected elements when adjusting the HCM model.

This function enables you to assign a radius constraint to existing radii. You can make subsequent changes to the value of the radius.

  1. Identify the geometry element.
  2. Enter the new value for the radius or choose a formula.

Once you have entered a formula, the system asks you for the values of the variable.

The radius of the identified element is changed and the HCM model is adjusted accordingly.

This function enables you to equate radii to one another even if their size has not been explicitly defined.

Identify the two circles/circular arcs the radiuses of which you want to equate. The radius of the first element is applied to the second element. The HCM model is adjusted accordingly. The 2nd element must not be assigned a radius constraint, i.e. a radius value.

Assign dimensional constraints automatically Opens an input window, enabling you to assign distance, angle or radius constraints automatically.

Automatic Dimensional ConstraintHCM 2-D: Index

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Version 2302 - HiCAD Parametrics
Date: 14/09/2018

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