HCM 3-D: General Information

HCM 3-D is a parametric technology which you can use, for example, to implement movement analyses and function simulations.

To enable you to do this, individual parts are grouped into complex assemblies (Assembly Modelling) by assigning so-called constraints, i.e. by means of

HCM 3D then transforms the relevant parts, thereby enabling the defined constraints to be fulfilled.

The following should be borne in mind: constraints are assigned to individual geometry elements of assemblies. These geometry elements include

However, it is not only these elements, but the entire assembly that is transformed. The HCM models are not calculated immediately upon loading a construction, but only when an HCM model is accessed.

You may also activate the Part HCM Selection context menu with a right click to select the reference geometries. The context menu offers the following options:

Part HCM Options


Selection by identification of the required geometry


Selection of a surface via identification of 2 edges.

X-, Y- or Z-Axis

Selection of the X-, Y- or Z-axis.

XY-, XZ- or YZ-Plane

Selection of the XY-, XZ or YZ-plane


Cancels the menu.



In addition to the assignment of constraints and the associatedpositioning of parts, the Dragger is one of the most important components of HCM 3-D. It allows you to use the mouse to move individual parts or to perform an automatic motion simulation, while complying with already assigned constraints. This enables you to perform dynamic manipulations even on complex models, i.e. spatial movements are controllable and are visualised in real time. This means that it is also easy for you to implement three-dimensional kinematic analyses.

3-D Parts Constraint Manager

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HiCAD Parametrics
Date: 14/09/2018

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