Avoiding Problems During Designing

Note the following advice for avoiding potential problems during construction:

  1. Wherever possible, use Feature Technology to model complex 3-D parts. Modelling functions like Transform surfaces, Transform edges or Transform points are only intended as an additional supplement for those cases in which a geometry cannot be generated via solid operations and feature technology.
  2. The basic form of the 3-D parts should primarily be created using sketches, the composite edge HCM and the Extruded solids, Revolved solids, Bores, Subtract and Add functions based on them. The planes used in the sketch functions find the relevant reference elements with intelligent algorithms during feature recalculation, thereby also reconstructing the relevant processing correctly.
  3. If a 3-D offset fails, remove critical fillets. Fillet the internal and external side of the corners separately after the offset. Make sure that the side with the smaller radius is filleted first. If you do not, there is usually not sufficient material for the fillet.
  4. If, when sketching and modelling, you transfer points or edges from an existing geometry, you must always do this by copying the geometry or measuring dimensions during sketching/modelling. Under no circumstances should you measure only the existing geometry (e.g. with 3 decimal places) and then reconstruct it by entering the measurement results. Otherwise, Boolean operations or fillets are bound to produce errors owing to the missing further decimal places.
  5. Avoid using your pocket calculator to calculate the result of a mathematical formula and then typing it into HiCAD. Let HiCAD perform the calculation. HiCAD uses many more decimal places to perform calculations than a pocket calculator!
  6. It is advantageous to execute modelling functions like Transform surfaces/edges, Change surfaces/edge radius as early as possible, on the simplest geometries.
  7. In large drawings, you should use as few Boolean operations as possible, as caching the deleted body increases the file size.

3-D Model Drawing

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Version 2302 - HiCAD
Date: 14/09/2018

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