Material Manager (PDM in HiCAD)

You use the Material Manager to synchronize the HELiOS database with Materials created in the HiCAD catalogue.

To do this, execute the materialmanager.exe file in the /exe/ directory of your HiCAD installation.

After program call, the HELiOS login mask will be displayed. Since the Material Manager can only be executed by Administrators, only HELiOS users with Administrator rights can log in.

After opening the Material Manager, a user with Administrator rights can start the synchronization by clicking the Import button.

The progress bar will show you the current status of the synchronization process.

In the process, the existing database state will be removed and replaced with that of the catalogue. The import should therefore only be performed if this is expressly desired, and if you are sure that no Materials will be lost that might be required again later.

Not deleted will be the Workflow settings of already existing Materials.


Please note:

General Information

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS + HiCAD
Date: 30/10/2018

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