Create + Assign New Part Master (PDM in HiCAD)

HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active drawing > Assign

HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active part > Assign

HELiOS PDM > HELiOS PDM functions for active part > Assign

Use the functions

Create new article master and assign to part

to assign a new article master to the drawing or the active part, respectively. If an article master already exists, you will be asked whether the existing article master assignment is to be deleted.


Use the function

to assign an already existing article master to the active part. Clicking opens a context menu with further functions:


Please note:

PDM Functions in HiCADHELiOS Desktop: ArticleArticle Master

© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS + HiCAD
Date: 30/10/2018

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