The HELiOS Desktop enables you to work window-comprehensively. This means that you can display several documents, articles or projects on the screen at the same time.
If you activate a document by a double-click in the document list, the detail window will be displayed. If you want to view the data of another document, double-click on the other document to update the window. The same applies to the detail window of the projects in the project tree.
The search functions are similar for all objects (documents, articles, folders and projects). You can limit the search result by entering certain characteristics such as index, material etc. and the wild card *, which is commonly used in Windows.
If one or several windows are not filled in, all values will be valid. If only an * is entered as search criterion in a field, only those objects will be taken over into the result list which have an entry in this particular field.
Use the ESC key to end the loading the database entries. The result list will be shown displaying all results until abortion of the process. To continue the search, click Start search again.
You can search and load search patterns with the RMB in the search mask.
If the setting for the position of the search mask is Centred, the result list will be shown in the centre of the screen after completion of the search process. You can activate the setting in the lower part of the search mask with the RMB.
All documents or articles, respectively, will be listed in the result list. The various objects are marked with appropriate icons. As in Windows, the result list can be maximised.
If the setting for the position of the search mask is Centred,
the result list will be shown in the centre of the screen after completion of
the search process. You can activate the setting in the lower part of the search
mask with a right-click.
Result lists can be configured user-specifically.
This window technique will only be disrupted in case of data input or data processing. If you change master data in the input
mask, or enter new master data, the detail windows will be blocked. This
function guarantees that the master data are transferred correctly to the
database. If you close the input mask again, the open detail windows will be
active again.
User Interface • HELiOS Desktop
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