E-Mail Management Configuration

The configuration of the E-mail processsing of your HELiOS Desktop is specified in the system file hel_mail.ini. You will find this file in the /sys/ directory of your HELiOS or HiCAD installation.

Here you can determine specifically where and how you want to save incoming E-mails. Please see below the example of one hel_mail.ini with explanatory comment lines for the server "isdcad.de" (a semicolon at the beginning of a line excludes the line, which either refers to an explanatory comment or to the deactivation of an option).

;Konfigurationsdatei für die Verarbeitung von Mail in Helios [Configuration file for mail processing in Helios]
;legt fest, welcher Mail Client benutzt werden soll, wenn Nachrichten-Dokumente in Helios
;angezeigt bzw. geladen werden soll [determineswhich Mail Client is to be used if message documents are displayed or loaded in Helios]

CLIENT= default
;CLIENT= Lotus Notes
;legt fest, wie Nachrichtendateien in Helios gespeichert werden [determines how message files are to be saved in Helios]

;fragt jedesmal vor dem speichern, in welchem Format gespeichert werden soll [asks,each time before saving, for the format in which the file is to be saved]
ASK= false
;speichert immmer im Clientenformat (msg, nsf, eml ...) [Saves always in client format (msg, nsf, eml ...)]
FORMAT= client
;speichert immer im RFC/MIME-Formal (eml) [Always saves in RFC/MIME format]
;Das MailDokument bekommt diese Klassifikation [The mail document is assigned this classification:]
;CLASSIFICATION = Postklasse [Mail class]
;Das Maildokument wird diesem Workflow zugeordnet [The mail document is assigned to this Workflow:]
;WORKFLOW = Allg. Dokument [General document]

;InboxProject = Posteingang [Inbox]
;InboxFolder = Postmappe [Outbox]
Intervall = 60000

profile1=Ein Profil [One profile]
;profile2=Noch ein Profil [Another profile]
;profile3=Schon wieder ein Profil [Yet another profile]

server = mail.isdcad.de
user = testhelios
password= helios
port = 110

server = mail1.int.isdcad.de
user = helios_Projekt1
password= hicad
port = 110

server = mail2.int.isdcad.de
user = helios
password= hicad
port = 110

;legt fest, wie Helios Mailnachrichten verschickt [Determines how message files are sent by Helios]
;sendet über die Mapi-Funktionen und nutzt den beim System angemeldeten Mail-Clienten [Sends via the Mapi functions and uses the mail client logged onto the system]
Client= MAPI
;sendet direkt an einen SMTP-Server, ohne lokalen Mail Clienten zu benutzen [Sends directly to a SMTP server without using a local mail client]
;SMTPServer= mail.your_server.de ;[edit]
;AddressFrom = your_name@your_domain.de ;[edit]


Please note:

To ensure a proper functioning of the E-mail processing, a Character string with the Name: MailClient and Value: 1 needs to be created for the corresponding workstation in the registry at the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > ISD Software und Systeme > HELIOS Desktop > Settings.


© Copyright 1994-2018, ISD Software und Systeme GmbH
Version 2302 - HELiOS
Date: 30/10/2018

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